CATIA V5 provides a fully scalable platform for collaborative product creation and product data management. V5 breakthrough architecture delivers advanced design control for state-of-the-art engineering. Based on breath-taking technology and open to industry standards, CATIA V5 Infrastructure provides a uniquely scalable and open platform for collaborative product development.

Main Features

Next generation platform for PLM

Based on a unified Object Implementation, OLE, JAVA, CORBA and new best-in-class geometric modeller, CATIA V5 Infrastructure provides a fun-to-use graphical interface and core services for data management and visualization.

Built-in knowledge based engineering

CATIA V5 Infrastructure provides the ability to capture and reuse know-how across all CATIA products. It is also the entry point for more advanced knowledgeware tools (Advisor, Expert, Optimizer).

Natively scalable solution

From the P1 entry platform to P3 s highly specialized applications, customers can share data and design processes thanks to a common architecture.

Natural path from CATIA V4 to CATIA V5

Enabling a smooth transition to increase productivity and protect investment. Offers numerous integration features which make seamless hybrid installations possible, combining both CATIA V4 and CATIA V5 applications, while taking advantage of data compatibility between the two product lines.

Collaborative environment

CATIA V5 Infrastructure offers interfaces with most CAD systems, to optimize communication throughout the supply chain. Standard formats supported include IGES (2D/3D), STEP, DXF as well as direct interfaces with StrimStyler, Solidworks, CADAM, and other CAD systems.

Integrated solution for Product Data Management

CATIA V5 Infrastructure supports the ability to Export and Import CATIA V5 product data across the OEM and subcontractor sites while maintaining the original database relationships. The CATIA V5 Infrastructure also provides for interconnection with an external PDM through its PPR XPDM Gateway 1 (PX1).

CATIA - Extended STEP Interface

CATIA – Extended STEP Interface (SXT) delivers new extended STEP capabilities for long-term archiving and corporate processes. Product Highlights:

  • Nested Assembly Export
  • Large assemblies can be exported in multiple STEP files, one file for each product
  • Global generates STEP files for all levels of an assembly
  • Support of FTA in STEP exchange
  • Allows the user to store a true copy of the CATIA FT&A presentation in STEP format
  • Applicative Data Enabler (e.g. composites)

Digital Product Rights Manager

Digital Product Rights Manager 1 (RM1) enables company to control and protect their Intellectual Property (IP) when exchanging documents. Product Highlights:

  • Protects intellectual property while sharing Dassault Systèmes documents
  • Controls the online and offline access and usages of Dassault Systèmes documents

CATIA - Product Data Filtering

Product Data Filtering (DF1) helps companies manage and protect their intellectual property by selectively removing sensitive information prior to data exchange. Product Highlights:

  • From a Part or a Product structure definition, a new Part is created with sensitive information filtered (removed) prior to performing a data exchange with the supplier chain and/or OEM.
  • CAA API available for Product filtering only
  • Can be invoked in either an interactive or batch mode. The batch mode is available through a command line with filtering options passed as parameters.


Provide interoperability functions for CAD data to enable MultiCAx visualization and design-in-context. Product Highlights:

  • Organisations to preserve their CAD investment while still benefiting from rich design-in-context and digital mock-up processes.
  • Collaborative working, with data coming from multiple different CAD systems
  • Exact positioning and exact measurement of MultiCAx parts
  • Assembly support
  • Interactively insert MULTICAx native data directly in to digital mock-ups
  • No foreign licenses are required on the seat where MultiCAx products are used

CATIA - Object Manager (1), (2) & (3)

Provide a highly scalable and open platform for collaborative product development based on breath-taking technology and open industry standards. Product Highlights:

  • Leading edge technology and advanced features for high productivity on a single system image on native Windows and UNIX environments
  • Ease of Use due to a state-of-the-art user interface for CAD systems
  • Design knowledge can be captured and reused to introduce company standards in the design phase and to increase productivity
  • Outstanding visualization
  • 3D XML leverages the reuses of manufacturing rich PLM data and spread its content everywhere

CATIA - COM 1 to 2 Extension

CATIA – COM 1 to 2 Extension (C12) gives access to P2 products on a P1 configuration for wider business process coverage. Product Highlights:

  • Upgrade of CATIA infrastructure from P1 platform to P2 platform
  • Full P2 user interface provided to P1 configuration users
  • Scalability of P1 configurations by access to P2 product portfolio
  • Large variety of operating systems and hardware platforms

CATIA - CADAM Interface

Share drafting information between the CATIA-CADAM Drafting and V5 drafting products. Product Highlights:

  • Direct access to CATIA-CADAM Drafting drawings from the CATIA V5 drafting products
  • Reduces transfer a cleanup time
  • Automatic conversion into native V5 drawings
  • Reuse of CATIA-CADAM Drafting data in CATIA for continuing the design in 2D or 3D

CATIA - IGES Interface

CATIA – IGES Interface 1 (IG1) helps users working in a heterogeneous CAD/CAM environment to exchange data through the neutral IGES format. Product Highlights:

  • Performs 2D and 3D data exchange using the neutral IGES format
  • Facilitates the exchange of data between heterogeneous CAD/CAM systems
  • Identical access to IGES data in the Windows NT and UNIX environment
  • Supports IGES Version 5.3
  • Reduces transfer and clean-up time
  • Conforms to international and national standards
  • Eliminates the need for additional support products

CATIA - STEP Core Interface

CATIA – STEP Core Interface 1 (ST1) allows users to read and write data in STEP AP214 and STEP AP203 data formats. Product Highlights:

  • Supports for AP214 and for AP203
  • Windows-compliant access to STEP files
  • Supports of geometry and assembly structures
  • Ensures the transfer quality and reliability
  • High data transfer performance


Allow CATIA V5 to process the geometry from STRIM and STYLER applications. Product Highlights:

  • Insertion of STYLER and STRIM files as existing components in a CATProduct with CATIA – DMU NAVIGATOR (DMN)
  • Batch Command is available to create CATIA part files from STYLER and STRIM files
  • Performs a direct, fast and exact conversion of STRIM and STYLER wire-frame and surface geometry into CATIA parts

CATIA - ICEM Surf to CATIA Interface 2

CATIA – ICEM Surf to CATIA Interface 2 (ICC) enables Import / Export of ICEMDB files into CATIA. Product Highlights:

  • Read / Write native ICEM Surf native data files (*.icem) within CATIA
  • Supports Batch CATUtil for multiple file configurations
  • Support CATProduct integration / referencing of ICEM data files

CATIA - V4 Integration (1) & (2)

Help existing CATIA Version 4 (V4) customers take advantage of the advanced technologies of Version 5 (V5) while preserving their investment in V4 data. Product Highlights:

  • Produces seamless data integration between CATIA Version 4 & Version 5
  • Enables V5 users to browse V4 models and seamlessly use of hybrid V4/V5 geometry in V5 applications
  • Enables V5 users to base their design on V4 models
  • Works on Windows and UNIX platforms

CATIA - Instant Collaborative Design

Design concurrently inside parts, within a teamwork, by sharing and merging design features and know-how in a collaborative environment. Product Highlights:

  • Boost reactivity and develop engineering team spirit thanks to the connectivity
  • Reduce detailed design activity bottlenecks with co-design
  • Increase know-how exchanges
  • Leave more room for innovation
  • Shrink drastically time to design for integrated supplier chain
  • Adapt the product to your needs

CATIA - ENOVIAvpm Supply Chain Engineering Exchange (1) & (2)

CATIA – ENOVIAvpm Supply Chain Engineering Exchange 1 (EW1) allows a sub-contractor to load up and work on a CATIA work package extracted by the OEM from its ENOVIA context. Product Highlights:

  • Read mobile files
  • Change, create CATIA V5 objects and save modifications in mobile files
  • Import of mobile data in ENOVIA VPM V4 or V5


Provide tools to build a comprehensive gateway interface between CATIA V5 and any PDM. Product Highlights:

  • Access to currently selected object in active document of the session
  • Access to root object in active document of the session
  • Document to Document Link Navigation
  • Access to document properties (Read Write) to support title block associativity
  • Build document image in standard format (JPEG, BMP, TIF, PNG)

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